The Youth is the second youngest organ in the ELCZ. It is sometimes called Luther League Junior Fellowship (LLJF) or simple Luther League (LL). This organ consists of church members both boys and girls who are not yet married, between the age of 13-30 years.

The major aims of this organ are:

  • To raise believers who are rooted and grounded in the word, sound doctrine, good Christian character, and zealous for the good works of the Lord.
  • To foster a zeal for increasing growth in the personal relationship of believers with God.
  • To set an example for believers in the area of giving and self-reliance
  • To seek guidance as a young organ on matters of the church as an institution and the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • To demonstrate a sense of responsibility and ownership of the church of today and tomorrow through participation in all church activities and representation in the decision-making of the church.