The name of the women’s Fellowship or organ is called Manyano, in Ndebele, referring to “being united for purposes of serving”, or simply “Servants of the Lord”.  Just like Witnesses, Manyano can be translated into many languages used in the ELCZ, especially in the Western Diocese.

  • In Sotho they are called Mahabunyana.
  • In Venda they are called Vashumeli.
  • In Shona they are called Vashandiri.

Using all languages, the organ’s name still carries the same meaning. The Manyano is the largest and most voluntary organ of the church. Those aspiring to join the organization must promise to be good wives and mothers, to pray diligently and to read the Bible, to go to church regularly and participate in the Holy Communion.

The major tasks of Manyano are to help in Catechumen classes and teach Sunday School. They are expected to help the sick and the needy people in communities, to visit even non-Christian homes and witness Christ by singing, scripture reading and praying. The congregational program for Manyano is based on what they call “The Manyano Wheel” with four spokes. The Manyano Wheel

  1. The first spoke is “The Word”. This reminds the Manyano to study the Bible through Bible studies. Different individuals are advised to lead the Bible studies even though at times they are free to invite other people like the pastor or some church leaders to lead.
  2. The second spoke is “Witnessing”. Manyano maintains that after studying the Bible, the members have the responsibility to tell others about the Good News they have learnt and acquired. It is through this spoke that the Manyano visit other people‘s homes and institutions.
  3. The third spoke is “Handcraft work”. In this spoke, women are involved in well planned handcraft activities that assist them to share different skills. This spoke is important in that it teaches and encourages self-reliance skills. Annual competitions are carried as a way of encouragement. Articles produced in these competitions are a good source of income which in turn helps the church.
  4. The fourth spoke is “Educational lessons”. Women are aware that empowerment comes through knowledge thus their annual program includes educational lessons. Different experts from different fields are invited from time to time to educate the members on various lessons such as church doctrines, health, and farming among others. Newly recruited members who are to become Manyano also undergo lessons for a specified period before they are bloused into Manyano.
  5. The Manyano organ meets every week and their programs are planned according to the four spokes discussed above. Each spoke can be used once a week or depending on the needs/ demands in that particular month.